NPP, also called Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, is a potent steroid embraced by athletes and bodybuilders during bulking phases for its muscle growth and recovery benefits. It boosts protein synthesis, inhibits glucocorticoid hormones, and stimulates IGF-1 production. Moreover, NPP enhances nitrogen retention, red blood cell count, collagen synthesis, and bone mineral content, making it perfect for off-season bulking. Compared to testosterone, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is slightly more anabolic and aromatizes at a slower rate, providing prolonged effects. Its significant recovery benefits make it a popular choice among athletes striving for muscle growth and faster recovery times.
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate | (NPP)
Amount: 10mL
Dosage: 150mg / mL
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, or NPP, enhances muscle recovery and growth. It boosts protein synthesis, reducing soreness and swelling. NPP promotes lean muscle mass development, aiding fat reduction. Additionally, it regulates cortisol levels for overall well-being and health.
CAD$ 80.00
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